We provide professional motorcycle training services to give riders expert instruction, practical skills, and confidence. Our highly qualified instructors have extensive experience in motorcycle training and safety. 

  • Complete Motorcycle Package

    Our Comprehensive Motorcycle Safety Training Package is designed to equip riders of all skill levels with the knowledge and practical skills to navigate the roads safely and confidently. If you're a beginner looking to start your riding journey, this training package offers a thorough and hands-on approach to motorcycle safety. This package includes:

    • Motorcycle Safety Course 
    • Hands-On Motorcycle Training 
  • Hands-On Motorcycle Training

    This hands-on instructional training covers everything you need to learn to be a successful motorcycle driver. 

    • Basic and Advanced Riding Skills

    • Emergency Response and Accident Avoidance

    • Interactive Learning and Hands-On Practice

    • Certification and Evaluation

  • Motorcycle Safety Course

    This engaging course covers everything you need to know before you ride a motorcycle. This course covers: 

    • Introduction to Motorcycle Safety
    • Pre-Ride Safety Checks
    • Protective Gear and Its Importance

Motorcycle Safety Course


Sep 23 - 26
5:00 pm
Customize your notes here for your students.
Oct 17 - 20
6:00 pm
Customize your notes here for your students.

Eau Claire

Nov 7 - 10
6:00 pm
Customize your notes here for your students. Registration ends November 5th.